FireWire Problem

Mark Coressel mcoress at
Mon Apr 28 17:17:18 PDT 2003

I have a 550mHz G4 Powerbook that I bought in December
of 2001. I have a 6 month old external cd-rw drive
connected to the FireWire port. I use Toast Lite to
burn CDs. Two weeks ago I was copying an audio cd and
it was almost finished with the verification process
when it "froze" -- not exactly froze. It seemed to be
still working, but when it was in the same
verification position for about 30 minutes I figured
something was wrong (it normally takes about 10
minutes total for me to copy one cd). I was unable to
cancel, so I force-quit the application. Ever since
that time, my computer is not reading anything
connected to my firewire port. I had a friend of my
who is a mac-guru take a look at it and he couldn't
tell what was wrong, but said he had been reading
about a potential problem with the firewire ports on
some of the earlier models of the G4 Powerbook. He
also said it might be my cd-rw drive. I don't have any
other firewire devices, so I'm wondering if there is
any way of determining if it is a problem with the
computer or the peripheral.

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