[G4] Quicksilver Won't Power Up

Dieder Bylsma TheMacGuy at spacemoo.com
Fri Dec 20 23:48:51 PST 2002

>Hi -
>My Quicksilver will not power up.  When I press the
>Start button, it will light up as long as I have it
>depressed, but it goes out as soon as I release it.
>Problem started earlier this evening.
>I've reset the cuda chip and also reset the PRAM by
>removing the battery for about 20 minutes.


open it up.

disconnect the power supply to all the hard drives. (physically 
disconnect them, along with removing the ribbon cable from the 

push the power button.

does it chime?

listen *VERY* carefully.

is there a high pitch squealing sound coming from the power supply?

if so, then the capacitors in the power supply are on their last legs 
and you need a replacement power supply.


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