[G4] Broadband Speed Liar's Poker

sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Sun Dec 14 13:31:47 PST 2003

its just like speed limits. sometimes the policing is heavier, so speed 
limits cannot be exceeded, but traffic is fairly light-so you move. 
sometimes there is a bit of leniency-so excess speed is possible. other 
times there is so much damn traffic that you cannot even go half the 
speed limit.

same applies with internet "speed limits".


On Dec 14, 2003, at 3:11 PM, Erik Justus Paiewonsky wrote:

> Bottom line: this is field where measurement is never going to be 
> accurate. "How big is yours, take a look at mine!", just doesn't apply 
> to connection speeds. Even within seconds, my connection speed 
> registered huge differences performing the same test at the same time 
> of day, with no other controllable variables on my part available to 
> influence the results.
> My advice: look at your average speeds over time and at different 
> times of the day to see if you are being short-changed by your ISP. 
> Other than that - Your Mileage Will Definitely Vary!!

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