[G4] Noise issue

edahlinger at cox edahlinger at cox.net
Fri Feb 7 09:23:58 PST 2003

I have heard about 15 - 20 of these Power Macs and they do vary in noise
volume. I've heard one that I thought was as loud as a new blender when it
got cranked up. I yelled "RMA" to him over the roar. Others are about as
loud as the noisiest early model Ti PowerBook hard drive (which isn't silent
by a long shot).
I've read the static posts with amusement. While I was at Newer Technology
many years ago, we loaded a bunch of new sneak peak Macs with memory. They
were all spread out across three long tables. As we worked down the line of
machines, we would check the monitors on the shelf directly above each CPU,
Shut Down and then install the memory modules. About four Macs into the
process, as I pulled the case off, the memory module I was holding got a
bright blue ZAP about an inch from the SIMM socket and the noise that sounds
like something from a cartoon. After I practically wet my pants, I went
ahead and installed the module and put the case back on. It turns out that
when they attached the monitors to the CPUs, they placed this monitor over
the CPU *next to* the one I worked on and vice versa. Well, I rebooted the
machine and it worked! Dodged a bullet there...

Eric Dahlinger
aka  "Captain Static"

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