I do have a 20G drive that I could connect to copy my files to a good drive. I am also on file sharing via another computer (this computer a G4 which I can switch to OS 9.2.2 from OX Jaguar in order to get to the chooser, would that be recommended, since I am now able to start up the computer with the extensions off? I tried to switch to the extensions that I made as my CD set, which is all extensions off and CD able to be usable, but it won't get past that 15% of the progress line, and stops about there. I can boot, but I cannot boot unless I have the extensions off, which means that I cannot use my CD Drive. I have a CD burner attached, but it is not like a CD Reader. Please guide me further on what you mentioned in your second paragraph, about with both drives in the box. My peripheral 20 G drive, does not have a way to hook to a CD does it. If I have the second driver connected, then will I be able to use my CD reader to put in DiskWarrior or Norton or Tech Tool Pro? I mentioned that I cannot get the iMac to start up without the extensions all turned off. I cannot get it to recognize my Extension that I made specifically with all extensions, but with the capability of using the Peripheral drive, I could copy the files, or could I chance it by using the chooser on the G4 started in OS 9 to copy files? I can't rebuild the desk top because it won't get past the 15% progress line at start up where the finder is looking for the extensions. So that won't work. June Interesting when I checked in the trash, this is what I found recovered from Macintosh: On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:19 AM, Brian Conner wrote: > June, a -127 Error is a Menu Manager Error (Could not find HMenu's > parent in > MenuKey.) If this were my system, before I gave up and re-formatted > the HDD, > I would run DiskWarrior. Other options are Tech Tool Pro and Norton. > The > problem is, without a blessed System folder being recognized on that > drive, > you probably won't be able to boot, even to the DiskWarrior CD. > > If you have priceless items that you'd rather not lose on that drive, > you > might need to get another drive to install an operating system on. > Then, > with both drives in the box, start up with the DW CD and see if it can > repair your troubled drive. Maybe with that arrangement, even if DW > can't > repair it, you might be able to copy your priceless files to a good > drive. > > HTH. > > > Brian Conner