[G4] Firewire cards and deep sleep, was: Re: [G4] Help! G4 price comparisons

sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Thu Jul 17 15:14:54 PDT 2003

mike breeden at www.xlr8yourmac.com has yet to find a firewire card 
that supports deep sleep.


On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 05:09  PM, Andrew T. Lynch wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> I have tried two different MacAlly PCI Firewire cards, and both 
> prevent deep sleep with a "Deep Sleep prevented by non power managed 
> pci firewire card" message in the log. One of these cards was labelled 
> for Mac OS X, and the other was not.  Both worked well, with the 
> exception of the sleep problem. I spoke to someone at Wiebetech when I 
> was considering buying one of their cards, and came away with the 
> impression that it could be my machine, rather than the card. He also 
> tried to convince me that it was a bad idea to allow a machine with 
> external firewire hard drives to sleep, regardless of the support 
> provided by the cards.  Since all I needed was more firewire ports, I 
> ended up buying an external hub, which ended the experimentation.
> -Drew
> On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 11:52  AM, Sean wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Andrew T. Lynch wrote:
>>> I would not count on the FW800 card being a reasonable solution
>>> (assuming you need FW800).  In my G4/450DP, I am yet to find a FW400
>>> card that does not prevent deep sleep.
>> I thought the deep sleep problem was corrected with either a Firmware 
>> or
>> OS revision?? or is this just something with a particular 3rd party 
>> card?

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