just cannot empty the trash

Video International videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp
Sun May 18 07:53:55 PDT 2003

I'm also having this OSX problem where the trash won't empty. I tried:

repairing permissions
Disk Utility
DiskWarrior (OS9)
File Buddy (OS9)
Safe Boot
Fsck -Y
restarts (many)
deleting it from OS9
putting it in another folder.

When I try to move the problem folder to another location, it asks 
whether I want to copy
the enclosed invisible file, and there is only a "yes" option (now I 
got more of these
invisible "private data" buggers). It's been a week now and I'm ready 
to erase this cursed
volume. Is there anything else I should try first?


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