> > >I say no. It's a group of Lunar Excursion Module drivers. >J > Ahem.... perhaps more accurate to say Lunar Module Pilots or else Lunar Excursion Vehicle (Lunar Rover) drivers. The lunar module got them there while the Rover was their surface transportation once they arrived. But...since this is way off topic... I really had a question about installing linux on a G3....which is at least closer. I'm using ethernet to 'rearrange the furniture' between two machines to prepare hard drive space and configure stuff. Who among this group is familiar with running Linux on a G3? My info / experience to this point is that attempting to install Linux on a (beige 300 mhz) G3 is akin to removing my own teeth with rusty pliers and without benefit of novacaine. Thus far it was an exercise in extraordinary time wasting...I guess I'm a glutton for punishment somehow. I attempted to start to install both Yellow dog & MKlinux a while back. Anybody familiar care to talk about it off list? Thanks Don Machines G3 300 mhz 128 megs ram 2 internal ata drives 6 gigs & 2 gigs 2 external scsi drives 4 gigs & 2 gigs 7300-200 128megs ram 2 internal scsi drives 4 gigs & 2 gigs 2 external scsi drives 2 gigs each