[G4] SCSI, G4 Digital Audio, and OS 10.2.8

Wade Perry wadeperry at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 4 08:41:30 PST 2004

I would like to thank Alex, Paul, and Michael for the input regarding the
original SCSI post . It seems there are varying opinions on the use of SCSI
in OS X.  I have also come into an OEM copy of 10.3.1, that I am going to
use on the second partition of the 80 Gb western digital that is my boot

Although I am long time Mac user, I have yet to feel completely comfortable
with framework of OS X.

The original purpose of this post was to find a use for these SCSI drives.
Will they work and be stable without any issues. If you are interested in
information about the Orange Micro card, the link is:


(I am not affiliated in any way with this company)

Listed below is the System Profile report from my G4.

Software Overview: 
    |                                                                      |
    |  System version                :  Mac OS X 10.2.8 (6R73)             |
    |  Boot volume                   :  OS X Drive                         |
    |  Kernel version                :  Darwin Kernel Version 6.8:     |   |
Hardware Overview: 
    |                                                                      |
    |  Machine speed                 :  933 MHz                            |
    |  Bus speed                     :  133 MHz                            |
    |  Number of processors          :  1                                  |
    |  L2 cache size                 :  256K                               |
    |  L3 cache size                 :  2MB                                |
    |  Machine model                 :  Power Mac G4 (version = 2.1)       |
    |  Boot ROM info                 :  4.2.8f1                            |
    |  Customer serial number        :  XB1024VS-KAN-ff06                  |
    |  Sales order number            :  M7688LL/A                          |
    |                                                                      |
Memory Overview:   
    Location    Type    Size
    DIMM0/J21    SDRAM    512 MB
    DIMM1/J22    SDRAM    512 MB
    DIMM2/J23    SDRAM    256 MB
    DIMM3/J24         empty

Thanks Again,
Wade A. Perry

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