SCSI ID question

Donald Town Jr. dtownhome at
Mon Mar 1 21:49:50 PST 2004

Hello fellow listers;

I just picked up a G3 a few days ago and have been playing with getting 
it going.  Of course I run into an instant question that suggested 
joining this list.

As I installed a hard drive tonite....then a second one, I find that it 
has the IDE (is that the correct identification?) connection AND the old 
SCSI cable connection available... so, since I have both kinds of drives, 
I had in mind to install one SCSI with 2 of the other ones.

I fished out a scsi cable and installed it ...then thought better of 
installing too many unidentified ID's at once.

After popping two of the newer drives in and starting up, (Thinking I had 
successfully changed a scsi id) I decided I better ask here for someone 
to straighten me out on if that still applies to the different newer 

Also, the profiler said one drive was on ata 1 and the other on ata 0.  
Both had ID 0, and I don't know of that is allowable on that machine so I 
shut it down to await clarification of what is 'doable' safely.

Thanks in advance.


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