[G4] 4x DVD writing

Dale Hoffman dhoff at margnat.com
Mon May 10 04:59:35 PDT 2004

We have 5 Pioneer 106D DVRs and use Toast 6. Kevin, your problem may 
be media compatibility - you didn't say what brand you were using. We 
burn mostly at 2X due to the cost of reliable 4X media, but have 
burned at 4X with Apple brand DVDs.


At 4:54 PM -0700 5/9/04, Lavode wrote:
>You're lucky you got it to burn at all.  According to 
>xlr8yourmac.com, the 106 isn't supported by Toast.  I have a Yikes 
>400 with 768 MB RAM and 10.3 with a 106.  I tried to burn a DVD at 
>1x using Toast 6, and got a coaster after about 10 seconds of 
>burning, with an underrun error message.  When I bought the drive, I 
>bought Dragon Burn, which supports BUP on the 106.  I have never 
>gotten a coaster due to underrun using Dragon Burn, and can burn at 

On May 9, 2004, at 4:49 PM, Kevin Willis wrote:

>>	I have a G4/400 running OS 10.2.8 with 512 MB of RAM.  I 
>>installed a Pioneer 106D DVR and am using  Toast Titanium 5 to burn 
>>DVD's.  I can only get it to burn at 2x.  The drive is supposed to 
>>support 4x burning and so is the media I am using.  When I try 4x, 
>>I get a buffer underrun almost immediately.  Is there a way to get 
>>this set up to burn any faster?

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