I have never had a problem with Appleworks and it's always worked well for us -- the feature set is lame, and the fact that this 10.0.0 era program has not been updated shoudl shame Apple no end, but it works. Like Pagemaker 6.5, it boots really fast since it's so old. Maybe you could get the OS X version to work by totally uninstalling everything (trashing it all), and then searching for "appleworks" to make sure any pref files are also removed? Then try it from scratch. -- ________________________________ J-LIST http://www.jlist.com Thousands of unique products from Japan, from Hello Kitty toilet paper to miniature sushi to our world-famous "I'm looking for a Japanese girlfriend" T-shirts. Visit us now! Interested in my life in Japan? See the Peter Payne homepage at http://www.peterpayne.net/