On 5 Nov, 2004, at 20:36, Rod wrote: I'm actually a Apple Service Technician, and I have had a good look around the motherboard. None of the screws have been touched ie there are no screwdriver marks on the screw heads. It would have stood out if the cpu baard had been removed. I'm not a certified AST, but I take enough care that I don't leave buggered up screw heads in the machines that I work on. Not having marks on the screws doesn't necessarily mean that the cpu had not been changed out. Now, if Apple were to use a thread-lock liquid/sealer like BMW does, it would show up in a New York minute that someone had been tinkering with the insides of the machine and you would have reason to suspect evil-doings. In their thriftiness, Apple leaves out this step in the manufacturing and makes it possible to change all sorts of equipment without leaving a trace. I have no knowledge of units leaving the factory with incorrect labeling (except for a few "500 MHz" machines that were actually only 450 MHz because of physical limits on the mobo), so it seems to me that there was indeed a change of processor chips at some time in the past by a previous owner. It is labeled correctly or incorrectly, which choice you make is up to you, but I would go with the original label and look for the reason for the inconsistency.