[G4] Re: Tip of the Day: Reset Loud Startup Chime

Richard M. Kriss rmkriss at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 9 18:31:44 PDT 2005

>Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:13:41 -0400
>From: Steve Goldstein <sng at cox.net>
> You can also download and install the free StartupSound Preference Pane:
> http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~arcana/index.en.html
> At 7:49 PM -0600 3/31/05, Richard M. Kriss wrote:
>> I noticed my startup chime was getting loud and remembered a posting
>> to this reflector some time ago to reset the pram. I did and held the keys
>> for three cycles and notice the startup sound was back to normal.


I check it out but decided to stay with the old way.  When the old G4
startup chime starts getting loud I know it is time to zap-the-pram (or do a
reset) and that seems to correct the problem. I don't understand what
happens to cause the loud chime but the fix is easy.


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