I have learned (the hard way) NOT to use the iPhoto 5 Slideshow button if you want to Export. The slideshow created using the iPhoto button looks great on the Mac for playback but the file size is unreal if you use the Export optioin and there are NO options to turn off the music. Rather than trying to send a 98 MB file to a PC user I found a better way was to open the Album, Select All and Export. When you do this you get the standard Apple options that will let you pick how you want to export. I picked the QT option and then turned OFF the music. The QT file slideshow was only 1.5 MB compared to the 98 MB from iPhoto 5. The 1.5 MB file was easy to email. I like the special effects of the iPhoto slideshow but the files size looks like something created by a MS application on a PC.