On Apr 22, 2005, at 10:06 AM, Roxylee wrote: > [...] They have many digital photos of my sweet 4 month old grandson > and some songs that I had wanted to put into my iTunes folder, instead > of having lots of duplicate music. [...] The way to handle this is to keep items shared among all accounts in the... wait for it... Shared folder. For instance, to prevent duplication of music files, make a new "Music" folder in /Users/Shared/, and have each user move their music files to that folder, and change their iTunes music folder location to it (Advanced pane in Preferences). Likewise, have each user place pictures and any other items to be shared in /Users/Shared/. Additionally, each user has a Public folder. If they want to share an item, yet keep others from changing it (i.e., give others read-only access), they can put it in the Public folder. <0x0192>