[G4] HP Laserjet 4M and Mini: New Problem

Wayne Clodfelter wayne at troutnc.com
Tue Oct 25 15:40:33 PDT 2005

 From Mac Help:
Settings for different network connections can be saved in  
"locations." Your default location, named "Automatic," includes  
settings for each of your computer's network "ports," or methods of  
connecting. Ports include Built-in Ethernet, AirPort, and an Internal  
or External Modem.

Notice that built-in ethernet and airport are BOTH listed above. I  
think it should be possible to configure a pane for each within one  
"location" using the Network system preference panel.

There should be no conflict between a wireless connection between  
internet and computer and a wired connection between computer and  

Not that I am never wrong.

On Oct 25, 2005, at 4:12 PM, Ken Fry wrote:

> Greetings,
> If I change "location" (under the apple) I can switch easily  
> between the airport network and the ethernet network. I have an  
> airport card in the mini and an airport express with my cable modem  
> connected to it as my method of connecting to the internet. As I  
> understand things (or more likely misunderstand), you can only run  
> one network at a time, hence the "location" switching.
> Is there a setting where both connections (airport and ethernet)  
> can be running simultaneously? I guess that is the basic question I  
> have. Alternatively, have I configured my printer connection via  
> ethernet incorrectly? Was it necessary to define a different location?
> Sorry to not have included all of the information necessary to make  
> an informed response. I am beginning to sound more and more like an  
> ignorant neophyte with every question I post.
> Ciao,
> Ken
>  Is this already an Airport Base Station, or is it
>> an internal Airport card in his Mini?  Ken?
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Wayne Clodfelter
wayne at troutnc.com

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