Richard Ramsowr wrote: > With some regret, it’s time to let my fellow brethren > within the mac community know of the retirement of my > aging but trusted copy of Appleworks 6.2.9. In favor > of the latest copy of Pages 2.02 which I have been > learning and using for the last few months! > > The old gal was not at all pleased but has been closed > for the last time. Some time over the holiday, I guess > I’ll pull here off the hard drive , pack her up in her > box and shelve her for a period of time. Then maybe > I’ll entertain bids. > > I started using Appleworks, back before she was called > ClarisWorks, I think that the correct spelling, - > back in the days of my Apple IIc - how time flies! > > In fact, I was using Applework 5 something or was it > 6. > > When I upgraded to my first Mac, the new software was > by then called ClarisWorks and a couple years after > that Apple Revised the Appleworks brand and I used her > to this day both for personal and business usages. I > must say that for the last year or so I have been > using Neo Office for business almost full time. So > the old girl hasn’t been seeing much work. The only Claris 'thing' I have been using over the years, is Claris Draw. Still use it, still like it! Never did use ClarisWorks... > So when I moved on to Tiger, it followed that iWork > and Pages would enter my life. I must say that Pages > has turned out to be everything that I had hoped > Applework would have been and more! So if I’m able to > get just half the life cycle out of Pages that I got > out of Appleworks - It will have been worth every cent > that I have or will have paid out over the coming 20+ > years! > > I trust this rant hasn’t been to far off topic... > > Otherwise - Here’s hoping all will have a Safe and > Happy Holiday Season! > > Rich aka therepguy in Houston keith whaley