[G4] What is the performance on a G4 450 DP like?

John Niven senseamp at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 21:04:47 PDT 2006

Try this for a start:


I recently aquired a 350MHz G4 single. My first
thought was perhaps a dual CPU up grade, but alas, it
turned out to be to older revision. But my research
led me to believe I wouldn't benefit from a dual much
as I mostly just browse, or use M$ Office, neither of
which are MP apps (apparently).

My only other reference point is a dual Pentuim Pro
200MHz machine I reinvigorated, with 1Gb of ram, and
some fast SCSI drives. That machine I keep for Win 2K,
and am constantly surprised at how snappy it feels. I
tried it with Linux (without smp kernal) and it became
a dog. So I guess with the right s/w multiprocessors


--- SKYGRAM <skygram at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gang!
> I have been offered a G4 450 DP for $100.00. I was
> wondering what the
> performance is on a machine like that. Would it be
> close to a 900mhz
> machine? How would I rate a Mac like this?
> Bill
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