At 22:27 -0400 4/29/08, Al Poulin wrote: >On Apr 29, 2008, at 10:05 PM, Christina Samuels wrote: >> Please forgive me for all these errant posts. I was trying to figure out how to properly reply to a message, and I clearly don't have it down yet. I am sorry for taking up space in this thread. > >Christina: #! > >Perhaps it could help if you sent a message out with a Subject line like: Need Help Reply in GMail Thread. . . . You are subscribed to this list in digest mode which means that whatever you do, the reference: and in_ reply_to: headers will point to the digest message and not to one of the individual messages in the thread you're interested in. Pretty much all clients will use the Subject: of the mail that's being replied to. When replying to a part of a digest it's up to you to edit the subject to point to the thread of interest. GMail is not necessarily your mail client. You can use a gMail address with any client - Apple Mail or Eudora for example. Going directly to gMail requires that you use a browser. Well, maybe there's downloadable gMail software today. They move pretty fast. And. . . I forgive you. We all have to learn. -- --> If it's not on fire it's a software problem. <--