[G4] What Have I Done To Deserve This

Eric Wood ewood at izoom.net
Sat Feb 14 19:59:04 PST 2009

Am 14.02.2009 um 21:41 schrieb Umar Stone:

> So as a novice ( I'm much better at animation than computer  
> problems) would I have mixed up the master/slave when formating the  
> Maxtor into this machine and how could i fix it?
> I don't know much about all of this kinda stuff thanks all of you  
> for helping

To check the master/slave settings, pull the drives out of the  
computer and check the position of the jumper located near the power  
and data connections. There should be a guide on the drive to show  
you which positions to use for Master, Slave and Cable Select. I  
think you're fine if both drives are on C.S., otherwise you should  
make sure that, if the two drives are in fact sharing a cable, one is  
master and the other slave, and then be sure that the end connector  
of that cable is plugged into the master drive. But again, Cable  
Select is best, as this tells the drives to be master or slave  
automatically according to which connector is plugged into them.

I suppose this could indeed be the problem. I can't recall what's  
happened when I've had those settings wrong, but I do know that  
you're bound to run into problems, and not always right away.

Eric W.

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