[G4] Don't bad mouth just sign out

therage at charter.net therage at charter.net
Wed Feb 18 12:29:31 PST 2009

---- "Robert H. Baucom" <rbtbcm at owc.net> wrote: 

Yes, that's why I drive automobiles that are OLDER than 1988 and sometimes older. They actually can get excellent mpg, and are simple to work on. Some new improvements make them better though, like the TBI fuel systme from a laer model replacing carburetion. Especially on inclines and steep angles. 

However, I am hear to make a prediction. With the econoimy, and some now talking flashing the BIOs on Windows-based Intel Dual Cores, Mac  OS 10.5 and later runs just fine on a PC..

MAC as a system lives BUT hardware wise, the overpriced Apples and Mac Prps are in dutch if this becomes widespread?. We all might be supporting OSX aka Ubuntu style.

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