[G4] Re: apps issue...outta nowhere

Robert H. Baucom rbtbcm at owc.net
Mon Jan 5 10:00:19 PST 2009

Is this teenagers or adults. I got on this list for info, not  
infantile drivel.
This is email. When I turn in a short story, I worry about  
capitalization, punctuation and spelling.
reading an email it isn't a problem.

I got a notice that my post was being reviewed because it was too long.
Having been on the  PowerComputing List for over 6 years ... I knew  
it was important
to list the machine, the OS, amt of Ram, etc,

Most times, unless it's so simple it can be found in the archives,  
all of the information is needed.

Yet, here we  are arguing over comas and periods.


“If you are laboring under the delusion that a computer will save you  
time; let me sell you some swampland real-estate. You can plant rice  
with all that time that you've saved.” -- Robt Baucom

On Jan 5, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Crandon David wrote:

> You said you wouldn't do it anymore, yet there are about 6-7  
> mistakes in this post as well. Not counting where you should have  
> put periods though.
> ;-)
> On Jan 4, 2009, at 11:27 AM, cwick wrote:
>> I cant believe this is still being talked about...
>> I said I was sorry, it wasn done that much, & I obv wont do it  
>> anymore...
>> i thought this was a place to get answers to tech problems...not a  
>> place to get lectured on the use of the english language...
>> again-to everyone who got their panites ina bundle, I'm sorry...&  
>> to those who didnt think it was THAT big of a deal & tried to put  
>> the focus backon the tech question at hand-thank you guys....
>> This topic is now officially closed...sigh

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