You might want to try the Open Firmware resets: Restart the computer and immediately after the chime, press and hold the Option, Command, letter "O" and letter "F" keys simultaneously until a message appears telling you to release them. (The machine is now booted into Open Firmware). Then type the following lines exactly and press the return key: reset-nvram (hit the return key) set-defaults (return) reset-all (return) The Mac will restart and should boot normally. If you are still having problems, it may be time for a PMU reset. This link will walk you through it. If you want more background info, do a google search for "apple MDD PMU reset" which will bring up a plethora of links. On Jan 11, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Jim Robertson wrote: > 1. Computer won't start up from the "power up" button unless I pull > and > reinsert the power cord. > 2. When I do this, it often reverts to an ancient date (1967 as I > recall). > 3. The PCI ethernet card is reporting an enormous number of recvd > errors in > Network Utility. > > I've zapped PRAM, replaced the PRAM battery (but found there's > still 3.7 > volts in the original battery after doing so), and reset the > motherboard, > yet all problems persist. > > Is it time to give up on this box? It has an upgraded video card that > supports two monitors, 2 Gigs of RAM, and a 250 Gbyte hard drive, > so I don't > want to toss it if it's salvageable, but I don't know what to try > next. > > Currently it's running OS X 10.5.0 (it cannot download the combined > 10.5.6 > updater because of the ethernet traffic errors; it typically gives up > because of network problems HOURS into the download attempt. > > Thanks so much, > > Jim Robertson