[G4] What is possible to do with a G4 800Mhz osx10.3.9. and yet keep Logic pro 6.4.1 and Pro Tools 6.2.2./digi001?

Don bgnss at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 16 07:48:56 PDT 2009

>ps Some of you may wonder why I keep such old systems.....and the 
>answer is

HAH!  You didn't need to answer that!

I might get flamed bad for this but... guess I don't
care either.  For the record, this is not meant to flame
anybody... its just my rant on those who 'MUST' have
bran new machines for no good excuse while labelling it
as a 'need', a small bit of politics, and business in

Ya want a new machine? Fine, buy it and enjoy!  More power
(and less money) to ya.  So, onward I rant.

My 'main' machine is a REALLY old 300 mhz Beige G3
using the even older ADB keyboard.  What floors me most
is the fact that most everybody seems to 'need' such
newer machines.

Yes I'm on the 'G4' list ... my 'second' machine is the
G4 tower reminiscent of the old Q950 put out to pasture
long ago.  Frankly, the ol 950 really was capable of
a lot of what I 'needed' to do.  Mostly I did the bump
up just for speed.

I use OS9, Photoshop 3.?, Clarisworks 4 (preferably 3
because 4 doesn't run quite right sometimes), BBEdit,
RealBasic 5.5, and Claris Emailer, (would be running
1.1v3 if the mail servers didn't reject it).  If most
of you are honest with yourselves, those programs just
plain worked.  They still do at my house.  No fiddling,
no messing, no crashes, they just work.

Why? Yes because they work, and because I often have
yet to exhaust all the stuff I genuinely 'need to do'
just with those apps, and... yes, because they are as
familiar as my back yard too!  I'd like to respectfully
say that.... Ya bl..dy well didn't need to tell me the
'why' part.

I only 'stoop' to using OSX when needing to do some
YouTubing and some browsing that IE5.1 finally just
can't cope with.

As to OSX, where the h is window shading, Res Edit,
and why the crap do I have to tell it 'YES I DO want
to shut down!!!!' (as if I'm some 'stoopid virus box
user' or something) in OSX anyhow????????????????
Did someone say OSX is supposed to be 'better????'
Yeah right.  Ok, if you believe that.

Folks, SOME of what goes on is that manufacturers
...well, don't be shocked by this... they 'manufacture'
a need for a new product so they can sell more of them.

I've begun a slow gravitation towards Kubuntu Linux in
part because of an objection to manufacturers always
insisting on 'helping' us to migrate forward at their
pace by trying to conjure up more ways to give us the
bells and whistles about how much 'better' their
"$$$ new $$$ and $$$ improved $$$" products are.

Kubuntu is based upon making life easier.  That
platform is finally, slowly coming of age beautifully

Frankly, if this country used its collective head for
anything but a hat rack, it might find that many of the
'p.(iece) of c.(rap)' corperations could be shut down
in favor of an architecture of 2-3 computer manufacturers
that made something other than virus infested junk.
Oops, that'll cost more of those jobs that they are
giving away to China.  Wake up folks.  They manufacture
the crisis so they can help 'fix' it.  That's 'Obama
care' in action again...but alas I fell off into politics.

An old OS9 machine that works without a virus is far
more useful than a chronic illness machine that does
its level best to make your wallet a bit ill.  No 'hot'
machine is necessary for writing an email doing most
'regular job' work, or fixing pictures.  I waste no
time downloading the latest defs.

Here's my big question for all those 'hi power' users.

What work do you spend the bulk of your time on with
your fancy schmancy hot shot 'Warp 9' machines that
you can't do on a basic machine?

Fine, edit your movies, and enjoy being able to view
all those web pages you 'need' to view.  Enjoy your
twitter accounts and facebook 'friends' and staying
'up to date' with the Jones family.

I wonder how many people buy that new pretty box to
end up writing emails and saving recipes on it.  The
ones who are going to be most vocal and 'flame on' are
the ones who of course have a 'great reason' why they
'had to' have the 4 digit fire breathing processors.

MANY people spend buku bux buying the whiz banger to
plop it on their desk with its gorgeous flat screen &
screamin fast processor to do what?  Write a term
paper? Write a book? Playing those 'wow!' games?

Oh, the games!  Well golly gee.  Enjoy your $1000+ time
waster.  You can do it at 2 Ghz with the best of them.
As for MANY people who hide under the carpet in shame
for NOT needing Trans-Warp drive or Captain Picard at
the helm, we'll sit here on the G4 list or whatever
'trailing edge of technology' we can limp along on till
its so archaic that it won't work any more.

My whole points to this long diatribe are:

1: NOT to disagree with you...but actually to really
   strongly... intensely... whole heartedly agree with
   you- and then some!
2: Its well worth a bit of self honesty with recognizing
   what is really needed instead of just flinging forward
   headling into spending money that sometimes just isn't
   really necessary.  Need it?  Fine, but it and enjoy.
3: THINKING for yourself / ourselves instead of just
   buying into marketing and 'pressure' from the  money
   hungry business world.

Personally, I hope that these lists stay active for a
very long time.

Flame me if you must, but that wasn't the point either.
Besides, this is just my personal opinion of the nonsense
that some purport to be 'thinking'.

Now where was my subscription to quadlist anyhow!


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