Politics have nothing to do with it. See my comments below. > >Folks, SOME of what goes on is that manufacturers >...well, don't be shocked by this... they 'manufacture' >a need for a new product so they can sell more of them. > The major internet media giants are in on it too. Now days, "Flash" version 10 is a requirement for yahoo messenger, for example. There is no real reason for this other then to view ads. This is yahoo's way of making you comply. Unfortunately, I like to surf the net on my original iBook with OS X 10.3 - "Flash" 10 does not support it. So, no Yahoo!, CNN, Facebook - you name it. I guess "they" are ready to have me chuck my nice old laptop into a landfill somewhere. Multiply this by 3,000,000 or whatever, it's an environmental disaster. Not to mention, this also limits folks with limited finances. > > >Frankly, if this country used its collective head for >anything but a hat rack, it might find that many of the >p.(iece) of c.(rap)' corperations could be shut down >in favor of an architecture of 2-3 computer manufacturers >hat made something other than virus infested junk. >Oops, that'll cost more of those jobs that they are >giving away to China. Wake up folks. They manufacture >the crisis so they can help 'fix' it. That's 'Obama >care' in action again...but alas I fell off into politics. Yes you did, and I don't appreciate it. Eric H