[HM] Re: Chimera

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Sat Dec 28 14:43:42 PST 2002

--- At Sat, 28 Dec 2002 06:50:30 -0700, Paul Basker wrote:

>You also have Omniweb(page?) as a choice fro a web browser. I will be buying
>it tonight for myself.

I too was quite impressed with OmniWeb. However, I used it with by
banking website (citibank) and it was less than stellar, in fact it
totally chocked. Opera crashed and iCab just gave up.

Netscape and Explorer were the only browsers capable of rendering the
website. Needless to say this has been my measure of a browser ever since.

I should check out the latest Omniweb to see if its improved any. I know
they are trying.


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