Digital camera...

Don Levstik wd5jbc at
Thu Nov 28 22:00:29 PST 2002

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:39:38 -0500
> Subject: [HM] Re: Digital camera...
> From: Carl Smedberg <cws at>
> Message-ID: <BA0B94DA.158F%cws at>
>> My family wants to give me a digital camera for Christmas, but I know
>> nothing about them.
>> I need your comments and opinions on what a good camera have/not have.
>> Thanks.
>> jane

There have been a lot of good suggestions here on cameras. Thought I'd add 
my 2 cents:

For an excellent starter camera, find a 2 mega-pixel unit with a 3x or 
bigger 'optical' zoom.
Don't consider any camera that doesn't have a real 'optical' zoom lens. The 
2 mega-pixel
cameras are great for up to about an 8"x10" print. As a 2 mega-pixel 
cameras picture file
size is about 1meg, you can buy a few of the very inexpensive 32meg memory 
cards, and
still be able to store at least 32 pictures per card. People on Ebay are 
selling these smaller
cards very cheaply when they upgrade to bigger cards, so you can save money 
by getting several
of these smaller size 32meg cards. (I wouldn't get a card smaller than this,

I personally prefer a few smaller size memory cards as opposed to one very 
large card.
Reason being, if you do something wrong, and mistakenly erase the card etc,
  you won't loose
all of your photos if you have them spread out on several smaller cards.

When you buy the camera, buy a memory card reader as well. Don't worry 
about hooking
the camera itself to the computer. It's easier (at least for me) to just 
remove the
memory card and plug it into a card reader. It also keeps you from running 
the cameras batterys while transferring the pictures to the computer.

I wouldn't buy a camera that needs a special rechargable battery. Stick 
with a camera
that uses AA batterys, and then buy 2 or more sets of AA rechargable NIMH 
batteries. That way
you can fall back on AA alkalines in a emergency.

Happy camera hunting :)

Don Levstik
wd5jbc at

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