[HM] Re: Partitioning iMac into 9 and X ---- Update

Tom Burton tomb at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 8 22:23:07 PDT 2003

When did you get your iMac? - My understanding is that all Macs sold 
since the first of this year (except the eMacs) have **new and 
improved** firmware that will not allow them to boot from OS9. Might 
be that it also prevents loading OS9.

>(I mentioned that I did have an Apple
>9.2.1 CD, but was told that the it probably wasn't cross platform for
>different machines.)

That sounds like absolute nonsense to me!

>I told him that I wanted my money back, but he cited Apple's policy of no
>refunds on software. And I suggested that someone listen to the recording
>where I was promised that I could get a refund. HAH!  My credit card will be
>issued a refund!

I'd escalate it to that person's supervison, and to that person's 
supervisor, etc. And be sure to tell all of them that you're keeping 
this email list notified of your success!

>Now the question ....... should I keep the iMac partitioned, even though OS
>9 won't be on its own partition? Or should I just put it all back together
>as 1 hard drive?

I'd put it all back together as one hard drive.

>  So ......  I
>couldn't even read about the installation and any problems! Sounds like
>Apple's own Catch 22.

You might need to copy the pdf to your (partitioned?) hard drive and 
try opening it there.
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