[HM] Re: File Format Fiasco Follow-up

Bob K itheshopper at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 11 15:03:43 PDT 2003


>>>  under OSX the Mac can't even
>>>  recognize or open its own files.
>>   > Nonsense.
>> Many of the files open into the wrong program or don't open
>> at all except from within the applications. [...]

Yes it is nonsense.

Here is something else to learn about computing in general and OS X in 
particular before
you blame it on OS X:

Documents cary with them info that triggers them to look for a certain 
application to open
them.  What that is is determined by the APPLICATION that created the 

This was sometimes frustrating in the past.  In OS X, however, there 
are too very simple
ways for you, the user, to change or override that:

1)  highlight select the document, or as many documents you want to 
Do either

• File > Get Info  or
• hold down the Command key and click the letter "i".

In the resulting Info Panel click on the little triangle beside "Open 
with..." and choose your
preferred application from the list OS X provides you, or choose 
"other..." and make you pick
out of all your applications.

This will change the document(s) to look for the program you selected, 
every time you
double-click it in the future.

2) Hold down Control-click the document you want to open to get the 
Contextual menu,
then select "Open with..." which will give you the same choices as 

This, however, is a simple override for one occasion only.

3) You can of course also drag a document over the icon of your 
preferred application
in the dock, an alias of it on the desktop etc.

So far you have not provided a valid complaint.

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