[HM] Re: Error on attempting to delete from trash

David Wagner wagsworld48 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 25 19:44:22 PST 2004

--- Don <dtownhome at earthlink.net> wrote:
> >    I tried that and it still comes out with a
> -127. I
> >believe it is looking for a folder which no longer
> >exists and I cannot move from trash or do any other
> >type of delete. So at this point, just moving along
> >very slowly.
> >
> >  Thanks for answering.
> >Wags ;)
> >
  Thanks to all that replied. I had forgotten about
Disk First Aid. I unfortunately work mainly now in the
MS world, so just hada forgotten about it. The Disk
First Aid showed problems with two partitions and I
decided to rease the one partition because there were
a few games the kids used to use, but nothing else.
After I did that I tried one more time and the trash
was allowed to be emptied.

Given the errors on that disk, I probably should
reformat the who disk or find some type of Mac utility
for 8.6 to actually do a little more work on fixing it

Again thanks for the help.

Wags ;)

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