[HM] Hi lite color still a problem

Jane Sprando janesprando at comcast.net
Mon Oct 11 16:03:13 PDT 2004

Several weeks ago I posted this note:

>G4 iMac, running 9.2.2 and 10.2.8
>Some how I have screwed up the colors that highlight text and other
>variations. I keep getting a dark blue hi light, with some parts yellow (my
>chosen color) and some parts not hi lighted at all. In other places, like
>Spellcheck, the dark blue color hi lights the whole line.
>In 9.2.2, under Appearance Control panel, I have
>Appearance: Apple Platinum
>Highlight Color: yellow for selected text
>Variation: it is now Pistachio, trying to eliminate the dark blue color
>How do I get rid of this dark blue hi light? can you tell me how it

I have done some more sleuthing and find that the high light color is fine
in OS 10.2.2 and only abnormal in 9.2.2. I recently loaded some games ---
Aladdin/Allume Family Pack of games ( Smoked Monkey Mah Jong, Zoo Tycoon,
etc...)  some work in 10 and others in 9, such as MacSoft Wheel of Fortune
and Jeopardy. 

Also, I have trashed the Appearance and Finder Preferences in 9.2.2 and ran
Disk Utility for 10. The high light problem still remains.

1. Does anyone have any other suggestions to fix the problem?

2. I have just bought Norton Antivirus for Os 10. Can I install it now or
wait util my problem is fixed?


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