[HM] High light color runs amok!

Jane Sprando janesprando at comcast.net
Sat Sep 18 17:00:08 PDT 2004

G4 iMac, running 9.2.2 and 10.2.8

Some how I have screwed up the colors that highlight text and other
variations. I keep getting a dark blue hi lite, with some parts yellow (my
chosen color) and some parts not hi lited at all. In other places, like
Spellcheck, the dark blue color hi lites the whole line.

In 9.2.2, under Appearance Control panel, I have

Appearance: Apple Platinum
Highlight Color: yellow for selected text
Variation: it is now Pistachio, trying to eliminate the dark blue color

How do I get rid of this dark blue hi lite? can anyone tell me how it


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