Various newbie questions

Phil A. Lefebvre p-lefebvre at
Sat Dec 28 09:32:16 PST 2002

>Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 20:09:50 -0800
>From: Paul Russell <prussell at>
>1) How do I get from iMovie to MPEG ? I thought that when I'd spent
>my $ and upgraded to QT Pro I would just be able to select MPEG 1 or
>2 when I do an export to QuickTime from iMovie, but the only options
>seem to be Motion JPEG A or B and MPEG 4.

QT Pro doesn't offer an MPEG-1/2 codec because they are way more 
expensive than $10-$20. I am surprised Apple doesn't offer one as a 
plug-in at some price.

>I think I'm right in saying
>that I need MPEG 1 for VCD or MPEG 2 for SVCD - is that right ?


>2) Do I need to export from iMovie in some other format and then use
>some sort of conversion program to get to MPEG ?

For MPEG-1/VCD, the cheapest, easiest, and overall best bang for the 
buck is Toast 5 Titanium. It comes with an MPEG-1 plug-in for 
QT/iMovie, and will burn a VCD from the resulting file.

For MPEG-2, Cleaner is the best deal I know of, but you still need 
Toast to burn the SVCD. There is an MPEG-2 QT Plug-in that comes with 
DVD Studio Pro, if you have that kind of money.
Phil Lefebvre
Chicago, IL

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