sb wrote: >While your points are correct, Richard, I think you are confusing upsampling >with changing FCP's prefs for preview audio quality in this instance. > >The references to high and low audio quality were a sort of sidebar to his >original beeping question, and not the sample rate. > >If the original poster did record his audio in the camera at 12 bit, 32 khz, >then he should create a capture and sequence preset with that audio sample >rate (by selecting DV NTSC and then Edit, changing the audio to 32 hz and >then saving as something like DV NTSC 32) >and then work entirely in 12 bit for that project. > >If he has a real need to have the output changed into 16 bit/48hz, then he >can output as QT and change it there. > >sb > > > Well this brings up ann interesting point as I have a VX1000 which ONLY records 32k 12 bit. There is no 12 bit setting in FCP .. What would be the optimal settings for capturing from a VX1000? Jim > >