iMovie3 Problems

Ian Tucker carlian at
Tue Apr 8 14:43:22 PDT 2003

On Monday, April 7, 2003, at 09:44  PM, Dennis A. Amith wrote:-
> I have been working on a project with imovie3.2...the first time using
> imovie 3 to work on a project and there two things that have really 
> bugged
> me and I was wondering if any of these problems have been fixed on 
> your end
> since updating:
The Version you would be working with is 3.0.2.
> 1)  Centering of text with 3rd party plug ins -  None of my titles are
> centering via 3rd party software.  It goes towards the right...and it
> happens with Apple's own title plug ins/
I am not having this problem and I am using Gee Three and Virtex as 
well as the native iMovie transitions, titles etc.
> 2)  Granted, I have gotten used to waiting for imovie3 to open and did
> everything from going into terminal and following the tips that some 
> people
> have posted on the boards months ago but has this actually worked with
> anyone here in terms of imovie opening up quickly after going through
> terminal.
Yes, it is pretty sluggish, particularly when you decide to move from 
viewing a single clip  to viewing a series of clips, or waiting for it 
to "Save Project" .  I am not finding it too bad at start up though.
> 3)  Not sure if this is imovie3 related but on one project (8 minutes 
> long
> with multiple short clips and transitions), imovie keeps crashing.  
> Granted
> this is only happening to one project with many short clips and 
> transitions
> but this sucks.
See my comments below
> Anyway, I'm working on a MAC G4, 700mhz, 1.5 gb ram.  Dependent on 3rd 
> party
> software from Virtix, Geethree, etc but I have learned to be patient 
> with
> the 1 minute load time or the crashing project (which I just re-did in 
> 4
> minute clips instead of the full 8) but not having my titles 
> centered...that
> really does hamper my projects.
I am using a G4 933 with 640 mb of RAM.
> Anyone experiencing the same problems or have fixed the problem.
>  - daa
Hi Dennis,

You have spurred me into action regarding the performance of iMovie 3.  
  I have been considering going to print for the past week or so to see 
how others have been getting along  as lately the List has  quietened 
down relative to all the flack that was about just after iLife was 

Since installing  iLife from the DVD and opening each Application 
afterwards in the sequence recommended I have  been mainly working in 
iPhoto (copying 20 years of slides ) , iTunes and iDVD.  Apart from the 
latter crashing once on me , I have been enjoying a fairly glitch free 
run.   However, since turning to iMovie3 a couple of weeks ago it has 
been a different story.   As I have stated above, I am not having the 
same troubles as you are with transitions and titles, but I am going 
around the twist with the Application crashing on me regularly, 
particularly when I Command Save or play around with the audio  of the 
original video footage.   I had hoped the upgrade from 3.0.2. 
may have taken care of most of the earlier problems in iMovie 3.

The problem I am having with transitions and titles is that when I 
first switch from  "Clips" to either of the "T's" I  find my first 
attempt to drag either a transition , or a title to the Clip Viewer 
fails, but on selecting an alternative,  things go OK.   My procedure  
now is to switch to either one of the "T's";   select the wrong option 
from the pane ; partially drag it towards the Clip Viewer and then 
return to the pane and drag the correct "T" down.

Another problem I am experiencing is that in iMovie 2 you could grab 
the crop markers and drag them both along to where you wished to start 
to crop a clip whereas in V. 3 only the RH crop marker comes along when 
you drag.   You now need to memorize the "trip-meter" reading so that 
you know where to go back and drag the LH crop marker to.

The President of our Apple Club here in South Australia has indicated 
that there is another update for iMovie 3 just around the corner which 
will rectify some of the problems..   I hope so as the release so far,  
together with its two updates would have to be described , at best,  as 
a "poor" beta of a  new version.   Having said that I must say I 
welcome the integration with the other iLife Appns and the ability to 
moderate audio within a clip.

Apple itself has indicated it is not experiencing any problems with 
iMovie3 in its own labs.    I am curious to learn whether any other 
List member  can report problem free use of this Application.

I am sorry I cannot assist you with  the off-centre problems you are 
experiencing with your Titles.

Best wishes,
Ian Tucker

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