[MacDV] iMovie3 Problems

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 8 16:18:27 PDT 2003

>On Monday, April 7, 2003, at 09:44  PM, Dennis A. Amith wrote:-
>>2)  Granted, I have gotten used to waiting for imovie3 to open and did
>>everything from going into terminal and following the tips that some people
>>have posted on the boards months ago but has this actually worked with
>>anyone here in terms of imovie opening up quickly after going through
>Yes, it is pretty sluggish, particularly when you decide to move 
>from viewing a single clip  to viewing a series of clips, or waiting 
>for it to "Save Project" .  I am not finding it too bad at start up 

Have you tried the "resize your window smaller" trick?

-- Erica

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