> From: JuanM <juanm at mac.com> > Message-Id: <87989FEA-6E6C-11D7-BFED-0003937A3432 at mac.com> > > Very nicely done!!! > > > On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 02:37 AM, Tim Shirey wrote: > >> Ps. - slightly off the subject... I just finished a fun video "home >> school" >> project with our 3 girls (ages 8, 10, 12). I'd just like to add my congrats as well. A really wonderful and creative project and the result looks great. Mr. Shirley's girls should be very proud of themselves. More parents who have the necessary equipment should try something like this. On a related note, Apple had hosted (and may still do, can't find it at the moment) some example video projects from the various school system enlightened enough to be using iMovie etc. Some of the projects were extremely clever, including a autobiography of a girl from Russia who moved to the US, and the tale of a trio of inner-city kids who figured out who to measure a flagpole via triangulation, and more. There was a wealth of ideas that can be adapted for kids everywhere. You can see the current examples here: http://www.apple.com/education/ilife/ _Chas_ New at http://filmmoi.blogspot.com - a review of the Disney documentary "The Sweatbox." Check it out!