Firewire Video transfer trouble--MacDV Digest #2100

Ted Langdell ted at
Tue Apr 15 08:32:03 PDT 2003

Why not use one of the two Firewire ports on your Mac or iMac for the
camera, and the other for your Firewire drive(s)???

I would think that would avoid any of the issues mentioned below.


> From: "Macintosh Digital Video List" <MacDV at>
> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 23:07:21 -0700
> To: "Macintosh Digital Video List" <MacDV at>
> Subject: MacDV Digest #2100
> Message-Id: <a05210602bac11bcfdfdf@[]>
> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 21:44:15 -0500
> From: "Gordon B. Alley" <galley at>
> Subject: [MacDV] Re: Firewire problem
> I have never been able to successfully capture DV to my external 7200
> RPM FireWire drive, nor export from an iMovie project stored on that
> drive.
> Part of the problem is that some Canon DV  camcorders (like my ZR 40)
> will not import or export properly if the drive being used is on the
> same FireWire bus. This is documented in iMovie help. I haven't
> actually tried it with OS X 10.2.5 yet, but it was still a problem
> with 10.2.4. I believe it is actually a problem with the Canon
> FireWire implementation. Hopefully this is fixed in recent Canon
> models.
> On Mon, 14 Apr 2003 12:28:27 -0500, "Mark M. Florida" <markflo at> wrote:
>> I mentioned this "problem" a while back and it was dismissed by many people
>> who didn't have any problems working with video from a FireWire drive
>> playing back through the camera...  Guess there are issues after all...
>> One of the fixes I had suggested was to get a separate FireWire PCI card,
>> which I guess will not work in your case on an iMac...
>> Hmmm...

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