[MacDV] Re: asf files

Mark O'Brien rmobrien at mac.com
Fri Apr 18 13:09:08 PDT 2003

On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 12:36  AM, Michael Winter wrote:

>> I, too, am bummed by Apple's support of MP4 without actual support 
>> (via Quicktime) of the ASF file format, which is the ONLY MP4 movie 
>> format I've seen. All those handy MP4 movie recording devices from 
>> Japan (where I live) use this format, but since Quicktime can't speak 
>> ASF that means no importing into iMovie, no viewing in my viewer of 
>> choice, etc.
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but shouldn't that be "HELLO?? 
> AFAIK, asf is a propriatary MS format and I don't know how agreeable 
> MS is about licensing it to "competitors" like Apple.
> Put another way, there's nothing Apple, or anyone else, can do unless 
> MS is willing to open up their format.

How about "HELLO?? Japanese MP4 recording device manufacturers???". Why 
don't you use a ubiquitous cross-platform standard like QuickTime, as 
digital still cameras (those with limited video capability) do?


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