> From: Matthew Guemple <mo.og at verizon.net> > > Ok this freaks me out... is the "970" essentially the G5? That's a question only Apple/IBM/Motorola's marketing depts. can work out. It's a new and advanced chip that seems custom-made for the Macintosh, but at this point it has NOT been officially announced that Apple will use it. Pretty safe bet though. > Meaning I > will have to plunk a bunch of money down for a new machine and software > upgrades? > Only if you absolutely must have the newest machines and the newest software the instant they come out. Those of us who HAVEN'T won the lottery lately will probably wait until later in 2004 (at the VERY earliest) to upgrade, since the machines are not even expected to appear before Fall. > After all the hassle I've gone through in the past 6 months getting my > machine nicely settled into 10.2, PLEASE don't tell me it's all for > nought. > It wasn't for nought. You can continue to run 10.2 (there should be at least one or two minor upgrades still to come), and even 10.3 on the equipment you have, I promise. Heck, you'll probably be able to run 10.5 and beyond on whatever you have now. There's absolutely NO mandate to upgrade equipment unless the demands that you're putting on your system call for it. Having said that, haven't you already owned a computer long enough to know that every couple of years whatever you have is hopelessly obsolete compared to the next new thing?? :) _Chas_ New at http://filmmoi.blogspot.com - a review of the Disney documentary "The Sweatbox." Check it out!