[MacDV] Re: MAC OS X Panther?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sun Apr 27 10:49:54 PDT 2003

Wow! I'm not that cynical about Apple's motives and the evolution of 
Macintosh computing. This is the normal evolutionary process toward 
faster and multithreaded multitasking 64-bit computing. Five years from 
now it will be toward 128-bit computing. Ten years from now it will be 
toward 256-bit computing. It's called "progress" and "innovation".

You only have to pay UPGRADE prices to pass from 9 to X software, not 
NEW prices. The same will be true for Panther 64-bit software versions. 
The software companies are working for us all. It's not like they don't 
have employees who need to get paid from the upgrade revenue. What are 
you thinking? This stuff all comes out of nowhere and no one's blood 
sweat and tears?

I do not think I am a sucker when Apple offers a new faster computer 
and operating system. Where the hell did that come from? How can you be 
so cynical about Apple's motivations? Apple employees are among the 
highest quality human beings on the planet. They are truly gifted 
individuals who sincerely work as hard as they can to give us new world 
class products every year. Have you gone nuts Matthew? Or are you just 
having a bad money year?

I wish Macs cost less. That's why I wait for refurbished models after 
they've been end of lifed each time I move up the food chain almost a 
year behind the curve. I'm still happily poking on a 500 MHz Cube in a 
dead silent room. But I finally pulled the trigger on a refurbished 
dual 867 because I wanted one last model with power and expandability 
that still works in native 9 mode (just in case). On the other hand, I 
may be tempted to spring for a new dual 970 as soon as a year from now 
or maybe even this Fall just because it will be so super fast and 
bitchin' to behold. But it's OUR CHOICE Matt. We don't have to jump 
into the next model pool any sooner than we want to and/or can afford 
to spend the money and the transition time.

I personally enjoy the challenges that new hardware and software 
present. To call two or three year old computers "Junk" is really a 
misnomer. My Cubes' are turning 3 this year (have two). They run dead 
silent. They are NEVER going to be junk. They are ALWAYS going to be 
the crown jewel of all of my Macs because they are DEAD SILENT. Nothing 
— no amount of additional power is ever going to replace the SILENCE I 
hear from my Cubes.

"Classic" is supported in Jaguar and the current Macs. It may not be in 
Panther, I don't know. "Native" is not supported in the current PM line 
but still is in the new iBook line. Big difference. Almost everything 
in 9 runs in Classic mode. Very little doesn't. Only the poorest 
written code won't run in Classic. That's why you can still buy 
refurbished or used Macs that do, all the way through the first trio of 
MDD models that do. I don't see a problem where you do.

What is your problem Matt? : ^ ) (kidding)


On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 09:06  AM, Matthew Guemple wrote:

> Yes it's true usually 2 maybe three top then it's junk.
> My complaint/concern was/is only that apple just went though a major 
> change that ended up expensive for most of us and the idea of yet 
> another is somewhat annoying.
> I know a lot of people that want to get new machines, but now that 
> Apple is not including "classic" support they are holding off because 
> they are hesitant to buy a nice new machine and then HAVE to buy nice 
> new software to go with it...
> "makes me wanna holler, throw up both of my hands..."
> I will probably never own a PC. Oh who am I kidding, I'll keep ponying 
> up the cash and loving it.
> Think different, think sucker...
> M

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