Screwed up Acrobat... Wants to Launch Classic-Help Please

Rod Duncan roduncan at
Wed Apr 30 12:45:18 PDT 2003

Recently I upgraded to Acrobat Reader 5.1. I must have had Classic 
loaded when I did or something, 'cause now when I save to a PDF in 
the print dialogue box it creates a generic icon document that when 
opened wants to launch Classic to try and find Acrobat.

I can force the  generic PDF document to open by using the installed 
the Reader in OSX and then re-saving it as a PDF file. It then 
creates a proper OSX PDF icon and document which opens properly in 

I re-installed Acrobat Reader etc. all to no avail. (Without Classic 
running) I also dumped the Acrobat prefs in OSX. Obviously I didn't 
get them all or it's something else. What am I missing? It worked 
properly before this most recent "user-created"  Acrobat Reader 
upgrade fiasco.

Thanks in advance to all the "Help" that is coming.


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