[MacDV] Re: Formatting my hard drive

Paul Williams mulder at fred.net
Wed Dec 3 09:25:19 PST 2003

>On Dec 3, 2003, at 8:35 AM, Paul Williams wrote:
>>  I'm actually getting two drives (both 160GB) and on the first 
>>would be the system in one partition, apps in the second, and the 
>>third would be for everything else.
>Lucky dog...  You could split one drive in half -- one half for the 
>system *and* apps (DO NOT put the apps on separate partition -- bad 
>news in OS X), and the other half for your media.

The first of the two drives i was going to partition 3 ways: OS, apps, docs.
The second drive i'll probably partition 50/50 for video files and 
scratch. What's a good size for a scratch disc? 40, 50 gig?

>>  No Norton? What do you recommend as a good disk utility?
>Disk Warrior will cure any directory problems (what 90% of Mac disk 
>problems are ultimately related to), but if you want to use Norton 
>Speed Disk to defrag your media drives, I suppose that couldn't hurt 
>(but I wouldn't trust Disk Doctor), as long as you run it from the 
>CD and don't actually *install* all of the garbage that Norton uses 
>to "maintain" your system.  You may also want to look at Tech Tool 
>Pro 4 or Drive 10 from Micromat.
>- Mark F.
I use Disk Warrior now on 9.2 and i love it. Does disk warrior have a 
version for 10.3?

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