"Macintosh Digital Video List" spam?

Gordon B. Alley galley at texas.net
Mon Feb 3 21:19:00 PST 2003

I'm another subscriber to the digest version of the list. Yesterday I 
was having trouble posting replies to one digest before the next one 
arrived.  :-)

It appears that a digest is posted anytime the total of pending 
messages exceeds about 20K bytes. Since there has been a lot more 
traffic with the availability of iMovie 3 and iPhoto 2, the digests 
have been coming fast and furious.  I suspect it will settle down in 
another day or so.


On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 20:41:43 -0800, Marya <marya at pacific.net> wrote:
>The idea of a digest version of a list is that one receives a single
>mailing with multiple messages. Why are you sending out so
>many each day? Today it was five: on January 31st I received
>ten "digests" in a 24 hour period.
>This is becoming as annoying as spam.
>You didn't used to do this. Please dial it back to your former
>reasonable habit.
>Thank you,
>Marya Legrand

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at texas.net>

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