[MacDV] Re: Two 5.25" Drives In An Old G4 or B&W G3 Tower

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Feb 6 21:34:20 PST 2003

Radical difference. DVD-RAM is a dead format but for those of use who 
have the drives and a bit of media. iDVD won't recognize it as the 
optical it needs to even launch. You can not burn DVD Player discs with 
the old DVD-RAM. It's strictly for data and you can add and delete to 
it like a hard drive.

The 105 burns DVD player compatible Video DVDs. You save $100 by doing 
the dual 5.25" hack. Which way are you going to do it?


On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 09:29  PM, Tom Kirshbaum wrote:

> Having considered trying Kunga's tin snips hack to keep my old DVD RAM 
> my new 105 Superdrive in the G4, and then having considered putting 
> the DVD
> RAM drive in a new external case, I am wondering:
> What will the DVD RAM do that the 105 won't? There's a slight 
> difference in
> capacity, but otherwise, is it just a matter of using already bought or
> burned DVD-RAM disks (which used to be very expensive), or am I missing
> something? Is there some functionality that the 105 doesn't have?
> Tom

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