[MacDV] iBook

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Thu Feb 13 13:12:02 PST 2003

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 03:45 AM, Paul Moortgat wrote:

> Is an 800 MHz iBook fast enough to do video or is a Powerbook better?

OK, here's my advice:

If you're trying to convince other people in the household that you 
NEED a faster machine: yes. Absolutely. You must have one. You can 
quote me on this.

If you can't afford one but just long for one: what you have will work 

Fwiw, I use a 700 MHz iBook. Just don't tell your family.
_Deirdre                                             http://deirdre.net
"Cannot run out of time. There is infinite time. You are finite. 
Zathras is finite. This....is wrong tool."  -- Zathras

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