[MacDV] Re: Extracting Audio from iMovie

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 13 13:15:29 PST 2003

At 2:39 PM -0500 2/13/03, Steve Robertson wrote:
>On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 11:43  AM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>>... also, You'll need Quicktime Pro for this.
>>Actually, no you don't.
>>Select the clip and choose Advanced > Extract Audio
>>(Command-J). iMovie will extract your sound and place
>>it in your Media folder as a voice clip.
>This question has come full circle now ;-) I followed the above 
>instructions before I asked the original question, and found the 
>voice clip in the media folder for this project. The problem was 
>that I couldn't do anything with this voice clip outside of iMovie. 
>iTunes, for example, would not play it. Seems like it would be 
>relatively easy for iMovie to add the ability to export "audio only" 
>in the most common formats.

It exports as an AIFF (at least I think so).
Most Mac sound editors will be able to play it.
In fact, iTunes should play it if you "Add to
Library" instead of "Import" the sound.

-- Erica

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