[MacDV] Re: iDVD3 w/ external drive... G3 vs G4

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sat Feb 22 17:03:56 PST 2003

Yes Kathy, but what is/are the preburn file(s) named and where do they 
live? Can we finish the burn with Toast? Or do you invite your 
SuperDrive iDVD to do the burn and when/how? Please elaborate if you or 
anyone else knows. I still think the patch is the bomb. A major step 
forward toward external burning I am sure.


On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 01:01  PM, KathyMac! wrote:

> I believe iDVD 3 is strictly made for G4. This means the iDVD patch 
> we've
> been excited about is still great but will only be helpful in creating
> multiple workstations to those who have older lines of G4's in the 
> house on
> a network (and one Superdrive machine to finish the whole process).
> Kathy

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