[MacDV] Re: Safari pros and Cons!

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 8 11:29:54 PST 2003

At 1:23 PM -0600 1/8/03, Steven Rogers wrote:
>On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 01:06 PM, Danny Grizzle wrote:
>>The geeks are nearly dead wrong about content presentation, in 
>>effect specifying something selfishly obsessed with
>>their own needs. If pure unadulterated textual information were the 
>>only requirement --- well, can you show me *any* national magazine 
>>with the look and feel of a legal brief or an Internet RFC?
>I agree with all that, but markup languages weren't really invented 
>for what the web is now. The geeks aren't really "wrong" per-se, 
>they just didn't know what they were inventing at the time.

What they were inventing was a text-equivalent of X-Windows.
Very much in the same backwards server/client model.

I just remember thinking at the time that content and presentation
trumped data. Still think so.

(Although, it would be hard to explain that to Google successfully)

-- Erica

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